Tuesday, July 14, 2009

T-Minus 3 Days

And I will be on the beach in Mexico for a much needed vacation. Last night, Joe and I went to Walmart and bought a bunch of stuff that we are going to need (and what Riley is going to need while we are gone!) I do wish we could take her with us. She is going to be staying with some friends of ours for most of our trip, and then she is going to the kennel for a few days because our friends are leaving on their vacation!

Today, I stopped by the post office and stopped our mail (Which is currently still going to the apartment that we evacuated at the beginning of July... oops!) and then I went to the library and checked out like 10 books. I have been wanting to read all of James Patterson's books for a long time now, but just never got around to picking up a bunch of them. Well, every book I got for this vacation is his. I can't wait to start them. (Yeah, I'm that nerd who sits on the beach with a book and an alcoholic beverage for my entire vacation! I don't get in the ocean so it suits me.) Last year, on our honeymoon, I only took 2 books because I didn't want to bore my new husband while I read all day... haha... Turns out he loves to read too, so I was very upset when I got through my two books within two days! So this time, I think I have plenty!

Anyway, probably won't get a chance to write before we leave. Please pray for safe travels and I will have lots of pictures for when we return!


Oh yeah... we got our bank appraisal back for our house. It appraised for 12K more than we purchased it for. We are so excited. We really got a great deal! More on the house when we get back from vacation!


renee said...

well, YAH for the house appraisal! and have a WONDERFUL time on vaca! :D travel safely and bring back lots of pics for us so we can feel like we were there with you :D

Connie said...

Have a wonderful time!!

You just reminded me that my husband spent ever spare second reading a book on our honeymoon. I tease him about it often!

andrea said...

awesome! have a GREAT time :)

Mama Reg said...

ahh!!! you might already be gone, but...

1) yay, wal mart shopping!! :)
2) yay, books!!!
3) LOL sitting on the beach with book and beverage lol. that is amazing.
4) YAY the house appraisal omg that is amazing!!

have a great time :) see ya when you get back!! have a margarita for me! :) love ya.